Food Photography Resources
Disclaimer: All content listed on this page is for information purposes only. This is not an all-inclusive list but rather a list of known sources by the author, Nicole S. Young. Nicolesy, Inc. does not claim affiliation or sponsorship with any of the services listed below, except for content linked to this website or the Nicolesy Store. Neither the author nor publisher is responsible for the content provided by any of the products or services below.
Website Hosting:
- Building a website:
- Free hosting, with some limited options. You can also purchase optional add-ons for a fee.
- Free download, requires self-hosting and some basic knowledge of setting up a website (see “Website Servers” below)
- Paid service, offers both hosting and website software.
- Website servers (hosting a site): Themes:
- Elegant Themes: Monthly fee for all themes, with access to many themes, plugins, and updates.
- Themeforest: Individual themes for a one-time cost, also has plugins.
WordPress Plugins and Add-ons:
- WordPress SEO by Yoast SEO: Adds things like a footer to your RSS feed, social profiles that link to your website, and other SEO enhancements.
- WP (WordPress) Copy Protection and No Right Click: This allows you to disable copying images and other content on your website.
Social Media & Community sites:
Email Marketing Providers:
Newsletter links:
Food and Photography Conferences and Organizations:
Copyright Information:
- Published vs. Unpublished (via
- Registering a group of images (via
Watermarking Images:
- Mobile App:
- iOS: Watermark Pro ($0.99)
- Blog post with other options (link)
- Digimarc
- Green Mango Smoothie:
- Ingredients: 1 Banana, Almond Milk, Spinach, Mint, Frozen Mango (use your own judgment on portion sizes, I never measure mine)
- Directions: Add milk, spinach, and mint to a blender and blend until smooth. Add banana and mango and blend until a good consistency. If the mixture is too thick, add more milk until it blends smoothly.
- Khao Soi: Link to recipe on
Lightroom CC:
If you would like to follow along with Chapter 7, please use the links below to download the photo from the book:
- Appetizers (DNG, 578 kb)
- Green Mango Smoothie (DNG, 446 kb)
- Grapefruit Salad (DNG, 616 kb)
- Khao Soi (DNG, 587 kb)
Articles on Food Photography & Styling:
Stillwater Café and Restaurant in Tasmania
For information on the lighting setup used in these photos, [...]
Roasted Beets with Balsamic, Goat Cheese and Mint
I never knew how tasty beets were until I started [...]
Food Photography SmugMug Meetup
Monday night I volunteered at a Seattle SmugMug event, and [...]
Behind the Scenes: Soba Noodles
I enjoy photographing food, mostly because I love food, cooking, [...]
Photography Tip: Just Add Water
Left: Golden raspberries, as is with nothing added. Right: I [...]
Healthy Food is Beautiful
I find that the healthier I eat, the more beautiful [...]