Creating Macro Images with a Simple Background
Sometimes photographing something small means you are stuck with whatever background happens to be there. But there is another way! In this video I show my trick to create macro nature photos [...]
Sometimes photographing something small means you are stuck with whatever background happens to be there. But there is another way! In this video I show my trick to create macro nature photos [...]
In this video I walk through all of the steps to show how to create a macro focus-stacked image using Lightroom and Photoshop. I also show the focus-bracket menu settings for FUJIFILM [...]
Macro photography is an fascinating way to get a close-up look at everyday items. Photographers will oftentimes use a tripod to create their photos, but in some cases it is necessary, and also more [...]
We all have those "gotta get away" moments in our lives. Knowing that wildflowers would be blooming in Mount Rainier, I thought it would be a good to book a hotel and [...]