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This review is all about an accessory called the Lastolite TriGrip, one of my favorite tools when working with light. These are triangle-shaped reflector and diffusors with a small handle on one end.

About the Lastolite TriGrip

The Lastolite TriGrip series comes in both reflectors (gold/silver/white) and diffusers and come in a variety of sizes (I prefer the 30-inch for reflectors and 48-inch for diffusers). They have a handle on one end which makes them easy to and carry, and also collapse down into a small, flat circle for easy storage and transport.

Why I like this item

I enjoy photographing food and other table-top items, and oftentimes I am shooting with window light. When doing so, I almost always diffuse the light to soften and spread it around my scene with some type of diffuser. The best part about the TriGrip diffusers is that they sit flat on a table (while leaning against something, like a window) and don’t roll off the table like round diffusers do. It’s also nice to not have to secure the diffuser to a stand; one less thing to have to navigate around in my small shooting space!

For photographers who don’t do tabletop photography, the TriGrips are useful because they allow you to hold your camera in one hand, and add some fill-light with the other using only one hand. I do this quite often, even with food photography, so that I can add a pop of fill light to the scene while also pressing the shutter. I also find that they are quite easy to hang on a light stand or other stable item to diffuse strobes or flashes.

The reflectors are also very easy to collapse and pack away, and fit nicely inside of a camera bag.

Where can I get one?

You can find this item on AmazonB&H Photo.

This review is all about an accessory called the Lastolite TriGrip, one of my favorite tools when working with light. These are triangle-shaped reflector and diffusors with a small handle on one end.

About the Lastolite TriGrip

The Lastolite TriGrip series comes in both reflectors (gold/silver/white) and diffusers and come in a variety of sizes (I prefer the 30-inch for reflectors and 48-inch for diffusers). They have a handle on one end which makes them easy to and carry, and also collapse down into a small, flat circle for easy storage and transport.

Why I like this item

I enjoy photographing food and other table-top items, and oftentimes I am shooting with window light. When doing so, I almost always diffuse the light to soften and spread it around my scene with some type of diffuser. The best part about the TriGrip diffusers is that they sit flat on a table (while leaning against something, like a window) and don’t roll off the table like round diffusers do. It’s also nice to not have to secure the diffuser to a stand; one less thing to have to navigate around in my small shooting space!

For photographers who don’t do tabletop photography, the TriGrips are useful because they allow you to hold your camera in one hand, and add some fill-light with the other using only one hand. I do this quite often, even with food photography, so that I can add a pop of fill light to the scene while also pressing the shutter. I also find that they are quite easy to hang on a light stand or other stable item to diffuse strobes or flashes.

The reflectors are also very easy to collapse and pack away, and fit nicely inside of a camera bag.

Where can I get one?

You can find this item on AmazonB&H Photo.

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Nicole is a photographer, published author, and educator specializing in Lightroom, Photoshop, and photography. She is best known for her books on food photography but is widely versed in various photographic genres, including landscape, nature, stock, travel, and experimental imagery.


  1. Dan February 8, 2018 at 2:34 pm - Reply

    HI Nicole. I always enjoy your reviews and although I’ve stopped using LR recently I still enjoy your tips as they apply to other apps. Love your style of presentation too.

    Just thought I’d let you know that a couple of years ago I picked up my first ‘Diflector’, a Lastolite like you reviewed here. It was a few months before I was able to use it and when I did I thought, wow, what a useful purchase that was… until the time came, some time later, to collapse it and take it out for an off site shoot. Was I ever disappointed when I went to collapse it. On the long flat side the interior metal band snapped in two where it was joined, with both ends piercing the black border cloth. I’ve tried repairing it several times as I had no satisfaction when I told the original camera store (reputable shop/chain) about the problem. Of course I didn’t have the receipt which didn’t help. I then asked Lastolite a message asking how to repair it (i.e. was spot welding a solution) but didn’t hear back from them.

    All I can say is that while I am disappointed with the way this worked out and am now leery of any folding Reflector/Deflectors I am writing more to warn others who purchase a tool like this to both check it out in the store and have the store personnel demonstrate how it closes ‘so easily’ with the one you are about to purchase. This was too expensive a purchase to not even last one attempted closure. Just thought folks should know.

  2. Allyn Saroyan February 8, 2018 at 9:11 pm - Reply


    I noticed that you use a Custom Brackets rotator and thought you might like to know that they now have a kit to convert their original quick release system to the Arca Swiss style. I have Peak Design Standard Plates on all my cameras so that I can use the rotator instead of L-brackets on my tripod with its Arch Swiss quick release clamps.

    I enjoy your notes and tips!


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